Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Bill's Everage Experience

Originally uploaded by wastedpapiers.
When Buffalo Bill was held captive by the Everage tribe back in 1897 nobody expected him to escape with his life, let alone return with the secret periscope invention prized by Chief Edna. How he smuggled it out on indian territory in his trousers they'll never know!

And in Italian-
Quando la fattura della Buffalo è stata giudicata prigioniera dalla parte posteriore della tribù di Everage in 1897 nessuno lo ha invitare a fuoriuscire con la sua vita, e tanto meno rinvia con l'invenzione segreta del periscope stimata da Chief Edna. Come smuggled esso fuori sul territorio indiano in suoi pantaloni non sapranno mai!


Russell CJ Duffy said...

i imagine that they they all thought that old bill was a rather fortunate and well endowed individual.

Nan said...

My favorite so far. Cate

Wastedpapiers said...

Thanks CJ and cate. My lawnmower is full of voles.