Monday, August 05, 2024


Three postcards for the latest theme of Vacation - Destinations at the KOLLAGE KIT communal blog.

Friday, May 17, 2024

New "Flim Flam" No. 5

Hot off the copier this week. Collect the whole set! No. 6 just started today. Never short of material - so much junk in my workroom - piled up everywhere. I keep meaning to thin it out a bit but I am terrible at throwing stuff away.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Found one of my stampings from years ago online in an archive hosted by an American univeristy - part of the collection of the late great mail artist J.C. Calvert better known to his correspondents as Rudi Rubberoid. Also went under the names of many nom de plumes inc. Joey Your Postcard Pal, Gerry Ziplock, Gertie Glunkbucket etc. I made those last two up but they sounded very similar! The stamp was made by me back in the 80's from my design by Rubber Stereos in Avon. I used them a few times to make sheets of stamps. They always did a good job and very cheap compared with most places that made stamps professionally. I had to make my own wooden blocks to mount them on so that kept the cost down some what!

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Light Bulb As Oil Lamp

A recycled electric bulb cleverly turned into an oil lamp from India. Other recycled tin toys etc. The globe is from a boot sale or antique emporium - I forget where? This was taken a while back.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Gardening At Altitude

Intrepid gardeners sometimes find high altitudes perfect for growing certain shrubs and flowers especially those of an alpine variety. Climbing can take days so horseback is the best alternative if the terrain is rocky or precipitace. Good views can be had by fixing garden benches at an angle propped by a crevice or handy rocky outcrop.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Garden Hints No. 2325

Chopping up those excess flowers and foliage.

Gabby Hayes' Cow Manuring Company

Useful for enriching the soil and providing nutrients to make your jungle grow. Roy Rogers assembly an added extra for shooting those evasive weeds and dead heading plants.