Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Captain Diabolo

Captain Diabolo
Originally uploaded by wastedpapiers.
A new super hero is in town and his name is Captain Diabolo! His side-kick is a talking cockatoo called Sidney. His special powers include juggling hamsters and being able to see around corners using a prism built into the special corset he wears at all times. His main power though ofcourse is the diabolo "The Devil's Plaything" which he can manipulate in so many different and alarming ways to turn back time, to strangle his enemys and to play tunes, not unlike a singing saw!
Beware villians and law breakers - Captain Diabolo is here to foil your evil doings!

Italian translation thanks to Babelfish-
Un nuovo hero eccellente è in città ed il suo nome è capitano Diabolo! Il suo side-kick è un cockatoo di comunicazione denominato Sidney. Le sue alimentazioni speciali includono i criceti di manipolazione e potere vedere intorno ai angoli usando un prisma costruito nel corsetto che speciale porta sempre. La sua alimentazione di rete benchè il ofcourse fosse il plaything il diabolo "del diavolo" che può maneggiare in tanti differenti ed i sensi alarming girare indietro cronometrano, per strangolare i suoi enemys e per giocare le arie, non diverso di un canto ha visto! Guardisi dai villians e dai violatori della legge - il capitano Diabolo è qui sventare i vostri doings diabolici!


Nan said...

No wonder the Reynold's Wrap keeps disappearing from the grocery shelf with Captain Diabolo foiling all the evildoers right and left.

Wastedpapiers said...

Not sure what Reynolds Wrap is cate? I imagine it has lots of stars all over it? Or maybe the foiling means it's a foil wrap? Sorry I'm a bit slow on the uptake some days! Well, actually MOST days!

Nan said...

Sorry, Michael. I keep forgetting that we are grocery shopping on different continents.

Reynold's Wrap IS aluminum foil. You guessed it. Hence the play on words which in hindsight may not have been the best.

When I read your description I had a mental picture of law-breakers gift-wrapped by Captain Diabolo in the shiney silver stuff and the police finding them that way on the steps of the police station. (Sorry, I got carried away. Sometimes my imagination gets the best of me!)

Wastedpapiers said...

Nothing wrong with having an imagination cate. Not many people have one these days. On a green note I'd like to boast that we recycle all our alluminium foil and save it up in a big bag in the pantry. When its fulkl we take it to the Oxfam shop who send it to some recycling plant and get a shilling for it or something ludicrous I expect after its taken us 2 or three years to save it all! Still, if everyone did it they could melt down the huge mountain of foil and make a saucepan out of it!

Unknown said...

I want to see more of Captain Diabolo and Sidney, preferably in a comic strip or an animated action adventure feature film (containing scenes of mild peril). Your collages are the schizzle fahizzle, sir.